Tuesday 29 December 2009

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Having Not Blogged For Two Whole Months, I Think I Need To...

... Debatable, but still an enjoyable time. Usually I don't get that excited about Christmas, not since I stopped believing in Jolly Old Saint Nick.... but this year for some reason I felt more like a kid. On Christmas Eve we did the American thing and had our Christmas dinner in the evening - a chance to dress up, be goofy and act crazy (not that I need an excuse for that... :L ) . I had been at my best friends birthday party Wednesday night and Thursday morning, so effectively I got home and got changed and then set up the Christmas table. My Mum has an obsession with this gorgeous china called 'Portmarion' and they do a Christmas Story set, which my Mum religiously spent the year collecting. I set the Christmas Table each year, as I can't cook and I have an OCD eye for detail and symmetry. I also have a very Monica (from FRIENDS) type attitude to partys, which this was effectively. I went and got changed into one of my Hell Bunny dresses, which I got in the summer because I hate skirts. I even spent half an hour curling my hair.. which definitely marked a special occasion because I hate using appliances on my hair as it kills it.

The dinner was amazing, well done Mum.

Christmas Day, my alarm went off at half 6 because I knew my younger brother would be awake and waiting, and as a rule we're not allowed to go downstairs without my parents. I went upstairs (my room is on the ground floor) and joined my parents and brother in their bed, and then we sat on the stairs while people went to the loo ... I felt like a kid again.. don't you just love that early morning Christmas feeling??
We went downstairs and as tradition stands, Santa had filled my Pooh bear stocking with gifts and D's huge snowman sack was overflowing. I open mine slowly, savouring them as I unwrap them, but D (my brother) rips all his open at once, then looks at them later. I got a huge make up set and over 20 official make up brushes (I want to be a make up artist in the future) ... I also got pyjamas (I lack proper pyjamas and sleep in t shirts) and tartan skinnies. Harry Potter 6 on dvd, Dorian Gray on dvd, a Japanese graphic novel, which is Gothic and my kinda thing, Manga style. From my parents I got John Barrowmans new autobiography and Alice in Wonderland collectors edition... and lots of candy canes. From Niall I got a Skelanimal toy, which I didn't put down for the entire day.

I love Christmas day, not for the presents, but for the atmosphere and spending it with loved ones.

I hope your Christmas was amazing too xxx

Saturday 21 November 2009

You Know We Don't Have All The Time In The World To Make The Floods Seem Still

What a week.
Normally rain is pretty boring .... a bit miserable but never really LIFE THREATENING. Not round here. But I guess Mother Nature got bored of this routine and decided to mix things up a little. Mix things up a lot! Most of you will have seen on the news that Cumbria is pretty much underwater. And where I live - the nearest town is 9 feet under!!!! All the roads are closed so we're stuck in Cumbria and we couldn't go to a concert me and my friend have been waiting for for MONTHS. Right now they'll be listening to the support band and having fun - while we're watching Merlin. :(

Hopefully though we'll make it to next weeks concert in Edinburgh.

Anyway... speak soon :( xx

Friday 6 November 2009

I'm An Emo Kid, Non-Conforming As Can Be

A Poem I Wrote -

A Recipe Of EMOtion.

A grubby converse trainer
A splash of black gloss paint.
One hundred failed song lyrics
The patience of a saint.
A lonely black sheep
A single twinkling star.
Black make-up stained cheeks
A head ruled by a heart.
No honest to god true friends
Just a handful of accquaintances.
A doormat covered in footprints
A lifetime of last chances.
40 different hopes and dreams
40, 000 doubts and fears.
Numerous burnt baking tins
A bath-tup full of tears.
No academic achievements
A mental hit and run.
A headache full of angry shouts
A hand that cocks a gun.
One guy that brings out the rarest smile
5 ''friends'' that make it fade.
A cathedral full of alternative bands
A longing for yesterday.
A family who just don't understand
A cat whos the only one there.
A nightmare of what is to come
Doubts about who cares.
Bruises up and down arms and legs
Scars in every concealed space.
A sketchbook full of hearts desires
The loser in every race.
A shoulder covered in other peoples tears
A cellphone close to hand.
Rain that falls as the sun goes down
A studded leather wristband.
A trip down the endless rabbit hole
A wilted black rose in a vase.
A black guitar with withered strings
An untouched official briefcase.
An old and battered teddy bear
A silohetted dead tree
One pencil and one writing book

This is a recipe for me.

Monday 2 November 2009

We Can Live Like Jack & Sally If We Want.

After 3 months of wistful longing and heartache Niall FINALLY came to stay again! I was really nervous on Tuesday before we went to the trainstation but I really didn't need to be. I think it was because I hadn't seen him for ages... and it didn't help that he'd got on the wrong train because the conductor at Manchester confused him. But he got here eventually.
On Wednesday we went on our first date EVER (my first date ever) - just the two of us. We got the train to go and see Cirque Du Freak : The Vampires Assistant in the nerest city - an hour away! No other cinema is showing it in Cumbria (would you believe it!) but it was an adventure going all the way to the city. Niall (bless him) bought the cinema tickets AND hot chocolates in Starbucks aswell. There was an American guy sat two tables down from us and he was talking to someone on headphones - but he didn't seem to notice how loud he was. "Everywhere I look is fields and fields of sheep!" He was hilarious. The film was cool - Niall had his arm round me and it was so sweet !
On Thursday my Dad's friend and his family came up from wherever they live to have lunch and thats about all that happened.

On Friday we went to Whinlatter with Dad's friends and they bought us lunch.
On Saturday (Hallowe'en) we spent the morning getting ready for the Hallowe'en party I was throwing for my brother. When I was younger I always used to have Hallowe'en parties and my parents went all out to make it special. I tried to do that for my brother and I think it went pretty well. Niall was there aswell and we dressed up as Jack and Sally from Nightmare before Christmas. We played lots of games, including an amazing treasure hunt in the dark. My heart swelled even more for Niall during that because it was the first time I saw him acting childish. It gave me an insight to a possible future (in which he is the one I am supposed to be with) where I saw how amazing a father he'd be.

He also took over the games for me at the end of the party because I was in pain (girl reasons) and he was my knight in shining armour.
He went home yesterday and I was in tears for ages. :(

I love Niall with all my heart. Forever and always baby xxxxx

Monday 12 October 2009

I Am The Mountains, You Are The Sea

Back from Scotland!

The holiday was AMAZING! We got to Ayr on Saturday 3rd and we were all so excited, running around like headless chickens in and out of rooms whilst inspecting them. The caravan itself was okay, but the park was terrible! So rundown and chavvy. We were right opposite a council estate aswell!! They may aswell have painted 'LIVE IN FEAR' on the barbed wire over the park entrance!

On Sunday we didn't do much...
Monday we went to Glasgee!! And spent pree' much the whole day in Primark! I only bought three things for myself though :L. We went in forbidden planet too... wall to wall with Manga Graphic Novels.. I found Niall's Xmas Present though. xD

Tuesday I took Emily to the beach to give Lynn and Alan some time together.

Wednesday we went to Kelburn Castle.. It was AMAZING. It was grafittied, but professionally and it looked brilliant.

They had an amazing forest that was full of little houses; Gingerbread Man, Mr & Mrs Teenie Weenie, the Goblins fort... etc. Crocodile Swamp! And it was so enchanting we spent a good three hours running around. I got stuck at the top of a 5 ft high platform with only rope ladder to aid decent... I have a picture somewhere that I will post soon of me stuck. DON'T LAUGH but when I (eventually) got down it was like I'd just climbed down everest. I was shaking like hell. Lynn was understanding though :L
After the forest thing we went to the Playbarn for Emily and it was amazing! It was deserted of children (cuz it was a school day) so I had a sneaky run around (it was for under 12's). Inside the castle thing it was like a proper palace. And .. they had a death drop slide! Emily was scared about going down it so I went up to push her - allegedly - but then I went down it myself... and IT WAS FUN! I used to be terrified of death drops when I was younger but now I got such a thrill I went on twice more (and promptly burnt my bum :L).

On Thursday we went to Pirate Pete's playbarn but it wasn't a catch on Kelburn Playbarn. Emily soon got bored so we went to an outdoor park and that was AMAZING! Emily befriended a Scottish lass called Lauren and they bonded. The park had everything from swings to roundabouts to GYM EQUIPMENT! I had a go on the walky thing and got stuck ... again. I was actually getting quite panicked at one point when they wouldn't stop and took over my legs! But its cool.. I'm still alive. Just :L.

On Friday we went to Largs, which is a seaside town kinda like Maryport. It was raining though & we got soaked. BUT I did find the last trilogy of the Darren Shan series... books 11, 12 and 13 in one. I'd finished 11 the night before and the trilogy was just under my budget so I was like MINE! Good times. Happy face :).

We came home on Saturday... that was a long and cold journey but we made it back alive. :)

& now I'm sitting in my bedroom listening to Busted and huddling inside my giant Disney jumper against the cold Winter breeze coming through the crack in my window... sigh...

Toodles x

We Are The Children Of The Night, We Are The Children

Where Has Our Childhood Gone?

Where has our childhood gone?

When we held hands and we sang songs?

When we played games of Queens and Kings.

And we 'proposed' with daisy chain rings.

When we could feel safe inside ourselves,

And we weren't just dolls on a forgotten shelf.

When love was just a mystery,

And we had playful bruises on our knees.

When we lived each day with happiness?

And what the future holds was anyones guess.

When we wanted to be astronauts, fire-trucks or royalty.

And our Mums would always cook our tea.

When our curfew was six p.m.

And our Dads were always happy men.

When drugs and booze were just a myth,

And our writing looked like heiroglyphs.

When Santa Claus was God of Gods,

And we never respected what we've got.

When global warming was just a scary story,

And we found the daily newspaper boring.

When teddy bears were our prada bags,

And exams were something our elder siblings had.

When lessons were nothing but ABC,

And finding our toes was our biology.

When the music we liked was Lazytown,

And our favorite outfit was our Disney Princess gown.

When designer labels were 'ELC',

And we were always so darn carefree.

When parties were full of party games,

And we didn't wish our life away.

When we would run and hug our Mums,

And spinning round and round was our idea of fun.

When we were happy to go to school,

And we thought the Teletubbies seriously cool.

When we liked attention from our family,

And we'd teeter in clip-clops so gracefully.

When we were friends with everyone,

Oh, where has this happy childhood gone?

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Everybody Knows Theres A Party At The End Of The World

So yeah... nothing much to report except Niall's coming to stay in half term!!! I can't wait! It's been so long! He'll be here for Hallowe'en and we're having a Hallowe'en party for Devan, and then we're gonna watch a scary film with my best friends Thom and Tess... whom I am going to take the time to introduce to you now.
This Hallowe'en will mark me and Thommie being friends for a whole YEAR! We met at Youth Theatre last September and we kinda both got a feeling we were gonna be best friends forever. He's my best friend/basically brother/son :L and I love him to pieces. Thom wants to be an actor, and he is so brilliant at it he'll be famous by the time he's 22, tis my bet. Thom's unique in every way; he's gay and baby does he own it, though you wouldn't know when you met him he was (unless he were being camp). He has a habit of speaking with a Scottish accent and he likes biting people. I <3>

I haven't been friends with Tess long, only since my birthday this year, and again we met through Youth Theatre. She's homeschooled, like me... and because she was bullied, like me. We dont have much in common musicwise, but she's always there when I need her and she helps me a lot when I feel down. She wants to be an actress too, and she's good at acting once she gets passed the nerves. But nevertheless I love her XD.

So yeah, thats them in a nutshell. I can't wait for Niall to come!!! We recently established the words 'forever and always' and it feels so amazing! I need his cuddles again though.. I have withdrawal.

I'm currently working on my Hallowe'en costume, which is going to be Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas, and Niall's going to be Jack Skellington, which is going to be so CUTE! Thom's going to be Sweeney Todd and Tess is going to be Mrs. Lovett, and Niall's decided to take loads of pictures so there'll be some up at the start of November.
Sally's a ragdoll and her dress is patchwork and I'm making it! :O

So yeah.. thats about it. I'm going to Glasgow with Lynn and Emily on Saturday !! YAY!! Can't wait! I'll be serenading down the motorway on my new Ukulele (named Christofer after Christofer Ingle-Drew, aka, NeverShoutNever!, who plays a Uke in his songs)

This is a long post. I'm going to bed now

Nighty night xxxx

Wednesday 23 September 2009

My Weakness Is That I Care Too Much

My 'friend' doesn't seem to be much of a friend right now. She was having a downer earlier about this guy she likes who is 4 years older, so I said 'talk to me about it' and she was like 'stop being patronising'. That really pissed me off and upset me because all I tried to do - all I EVER try to do - is help my friends and ease their suffering by being a shoulder to cry on. Some of them are grateful, but this particular one just takes me for granted. I try to help and all she does is turn her anger on me and make me feel about thimble-size small. I got to the point earlier where I was gonna give up.
And then she went offline for a while, and when she came back I didn't even get an apology! It's the same old story EVERY SINGLE BLOODY TIME! I'm getting SICK of it.
And yet I can't bring myself to end our friendship because I DO love her. She's like a sister to me. And sisters fight, don't they?

Any advice??

In other news... went to the hospital and got blood taken ... and this time I didn't hyperventilate!!! It was amazing!

Anyway... happy birthday Lynn!

Thursday 17 September 2009

Change, Change, Change!

I haven't written for a very long time and I apologise for that. I am currently reporting to you live from my brand spanking new LAPTOP! I sold my drumkit to originally buy a cheapish one off ebay for £150 ... but they were all rubbish, so Grandad chipped in and gave me £140 more to get this brand new one from Currys!
We spent last night putting stuff on it and stressing my dad out something chronic. xD

I've also finished the story I've been working on for a very long time and I'm VERY proud of it (though so far I am the only one who's read it :( )

I've also written several more songs on my DeviantART with the help of my friend Mimi's boyfriend, Austin. Check them out using the link in my blogtitle xD

I'm currently listening to the Pirates Of The Caribbean : At Worlds End Soundtrack (Hans Zimmer is AMAZING) and trying to get motivated to write the rest of the Pirates Of The Caribbean story I've been working on for three years in time to go on holiday with at the start of October. I'd better get a move on really ....

Follow the purple link!!


Saturday 12 September 2009

Summer Has Come And Passed, The Innocent Can Never Last

A Tribute To 9/11

I Don't Own The Music Or The Pictures.

This Is Just A Tribute To All Those Involved In 9/11 In Anyway.

The Song And Title Is 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' by 'Green Day'

Friday 11 September 2009

This Is The Dawning Of The Rest Of Our Lives On Holiday!

On Holiday With My Friends And Family In Wales (Sept 'o8) and Yorkshire (April '09).

Song is No Ties by The Days

Take Me Higher, Take Me High. I Wanna Feel Your Essence Come To Life.

Haven't written in a while. I've been busy.
Actually, thats a lie. I haven't.
I've been writing a lot, playing music. The usual. I've written music to one of my songs though! 'Cookie Dough Conscience' (http://anarchyangel94.deviantart.com/art/Cookie-Dough-Conscience-135274497) Which is for my friend Emily xD
My current composition is 'Giving It Up Is The Secret To Living It Up' and it's very nearly finished. I'm getting my last story published when I get back from holiday next month, in time for Christmas. I can't wait!
Anyway, I'll write more later. Internet's going gay.

Toodles Poodles xxx

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Tell Me What Your Best Friend Knows That I Don't Know

Summer 09. The Original Video, Not The Animoto One.

Thursday 27 August 2009

There's Always Gonna Be Something In Your Way, But What Can You Say? You're Gonna Have A Good Day!

Outstanding! Outstanding! OUTSTANDING!

An outstanding day all round, to be honest. Mom had her OFSTED inspection today (she's a childminder) and she just went and got a big fat OUTSTANDING mark! The afternoon was awash with flowers and chocolate and toffee cake.
And then the day was outstanding for me also because my boyfriend (who is currently on holiday in Italy) got his GCSE results and he got three A's, five B's and three C's. MY BABY'S GOING TO COLLEGE!!
I am tremendously proud of him and told him so when he emailed me.
As he is in Italy, I told him I expect him to cook me an Italian meal when we next see one another. And he said 'I'll have to learn then, won't I?". I love him so incredibly much I probably oversay it sometimes.
So yeah... Outstanding day all round. I am addicted to Farmville on Facebook and I'm Outstanding on that too....


Speak soon x

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Don't Count On Me To Storm The Barracades and Make A Stand.

Heyya ... hows everyone today?

I'm bored so I decided to write on here xD Not that anyone reads my blog. I've posted some pictures of me and Charli in Lincoln this summer. There are pictures of me and Yona - but I;m not posting them for obvious reasons.
Just thought I'd drop in and say Hi xD

Check out my song lyrics either on my sister blog 'I've lost more songs to floods' or my DeviantART gallery ... link coming up here - http://anarchyangel94.deviantart.com/gallery/
That should work :)

And here's a link to my friend Aaron's deviantART. He's a poet and a DAMN good one at that xD http://elixir-boii.deviantart.com/gallery/ He is kinda emo though .... and he swears. But he's still awesome xD

Anyway, Millii over and out xoxoxoxox

Your Voice Was The Soundtrack Of My Summer

Me and Charli during the Summer hols' ... love you babes! xoxoxoxoxox

Call Those Friends You Never See

Charli Packwood, Iona McIntyre (No longer my friend :), Emily Bamber, Thommie Chicken, Lauren Madely, Tess McDonald

Song - If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickelback
I own nothing.

Monday 24 August 2009

I'm In Too Deep And I'm Trying To Keep Up Above With My Head, Instead Of Going Under!

Iona McIntyre is no longer my friend. On account of the fact she cares nothing for me and my feelings - too wrapped up in her own life and problems... all of which she creates herself. She was staying here for the entire past week and all the time she talked none stop about her friends in america - all of which are probably fakes. It's the harsh reality of facebook. So, as she wouldn't listen to me when I told her how I was feeling about the fact she was BLATANTLY ignoring me when I needed her for personal matters.... I wrote a letter for her to read when she got home. Which she did. The letter was perfectly harmless, but she flipped it on its head and spread evil lies about me throughout facebook. Even getting someone wo doesn't know me to email me and have a go at me! My other best friend believed them at first and had the guts to tell me Niall should end it with me cuz he wouldn't want to go out with a bitch. But then Charli apologised and we're good now :)
So as currently Iona and I are no longer friends. The 'american crew' are welcome to her. Spotlight seeking bitch.

Millii is leg deep in clothes... eep! Byeee xoxox

Saturday 22 August 2009

Cuz Summer's In The Air Now

Videos From Lincoln :)

Twas Fun (Black Haired One Me, Red Haired One Charli )


Blog Title from Wet Hot American Summer by Cobra Starship

Sunday 16 August 2009

Friday 14 August 2009

Monday 10 August 2009

I'm The Chord That Won't Resolve ....

So today has been trying... VERY trying. I woke up and had to babysit my brother.... never a good way to start the day. I had a real low point this morning because I wanted to write a song but I couldn't think of anything to write ABOUT... and here I think the phrase 'Be careful what you wish for' applies, because from then on in my day got worse and gave me PLENTY of things to write about.

So, the building work is STILL going on and it's driving us all potty. My friend is supposed to be coming up to stay next week ... but Mum's going RAR RAR RAR about it, because she'll have no where to sleep. I suggested a tent in the garden but Mum's being very NO about it... she thinks it's not safe. Mum! We live in the middle of f***ing NOWHERE! The only thing that's going to get us out here is perhaps a grasssnake... nothing more menacing! Jesus! So, my friend may not be coming... yay. Not. More tears for Millii.

And now I'm all upset about Niall because I haven't spoken to him in AGES and it's really getting to me. I miss him so much :(. I had a right break-down the other night, and I was trying to do it silently because I'm sharing a room with my parents while the builders are in. I ended up making pathetic little noises and hugging my Pooh Bear teddy like a little kid. (Pooh bear is mine and Niall's 'mascot'... the little version is currently on holiday with Niall)... ... I was listening to Niall and my songs too :( ... sob sob sob.

So yeah.. not a good day at the Millii front... but on the plus side Elliot Minor's new single was released today ... THUMBS UP FOR SOLARIS!! Come on YORKIES!!

Peace Out xx

Wednesday 5 August 2009

It's The End Of The Summer, But We'll See It Again. So Hold On To This Moment Until Then

Had SO much fun in Nocton, but it passed sooooooo quickly its hard to believe I was actually there at all.
So, I met Niall's parents... they're cool. And - here's the juicy goss' people... I spent most of the day after I got there in Niall's bedroom ... snogging :G ... it was so awesome. That's definitely a dear diary moment... and this is kinda my diary now so yeah... ... I love Niall so much.
After that I went to Yona's house and we made a 'Cribs' of her house, that I will post soon when I upload and convert them xD. Then I went to Charli's house - oh yeah... there was a change of plan. I didn't stay at Yona's... i dunno if i've said that already. I stayed at Charli's for the full two weeks. :) . On the Wednesday... we went into town and I FIT INTO SIZE 14 SKINNIES :O!!! I went down a size! WOW!!! xD. So I bought a pair of blue ones :G. Thursday we went into town again and met up with Niall :) Then on Friday Yona came to Charli's..... then Saturday we went into town AGAIN and met up with Niall and Ric (Niall's best friend). Ric's short and adorwable lol. Then Saturday night was Charli's dad's goodbye party (he's going to Dubai for two years). I got drunk ! :G. We were stood on Charli's mini garden wall singing and dancing to 'Uptown Girl' (John Barrowman's version, not Westlife). Then Yona and Charli smuggled more alchopops to our tent and got WASTED (okay, overstatement :G) while I sat back listening to music and reading John Barrowman's autobiography (highly recommended!). Sunday was a chill-out day... where we took LOADS of pictures down at the park. Yona and Charli found a kitten and Yona promptly named it Unicorn. She has decided she's going to have two kids, two cats and two dogs all called Unicorn. I think its here that I decided I'm calling my kids Tambre and Vegas... and my two cats Chicago and Tokyo... and maybe Torchwood. On Sunday morning we had a ride to Tesco in Charli's cousin's Campervan (VOLKSWAGEN). I've decided I'm getting one! It's so cool. We were playing a kiddy game of Scooby Doo. I was Daphne, Charli was Velma, Yona was Fred (though she wasn't driving...), Charli's cousin Clare was Shaggy and her fiance Daz was Scooby Doo ! (He wasn't aware of this... or if he was he was a good sport :G).
Monday was a pretty much unexpressive day... Yona went home Sunday (after we dyed her hair blue!) Me and Charli wrote a song which will be posted on my sister blog 'I've Lost More Songs To Floods' called 'The Hair Song'... simply because we were bored! It's awesome. I'll see if I can upload the crappy recording I have of it to a blog sometime. We dyed my hair purple and Charli's red too... it was fun. Really girly. We ate ice cream too.. a whole tub between us. Yum. Well, Charli's brother Peter came in and helped once his girlfriend went home. He was funny... pretending to be a girl and watching our chick flick with us. Peter's cool.
Tuesday was the murder mystery party! And guess who was the murderer? You guessed it ... me!!!!! It was hilarious because someone forgot to put out the murderer's confession so I had to improvise while Charli's Mom fumbled for it in the envelope, going slowly redder! Lol. Niall knew it from the beginning - the smarty pants (I didn't mean it darling, I love you). After the party we watched the Grudge and Charli has a video of us all just watching it... and they all screamed occasionally (while Niall and I sneaked discreet kisses in the corner). At one point I crawl right up to the camera to see what this white thing is... which turns out to be my dress!! Lol. After that Niall went home to get ready for his holiday ... which was sad... but romantic. I was stood outside with him bare foot while we kissed goodbye... and I made quite a big move for me when he was looking at his parents car coming round the roundabout... I caught his cheek and made him look at me so I could tell him I loved him and kiss him one last time. Thats the most romantic thing I've ever done and it took guts! Then he got in the car and drove off.... :(. He has Pooh Bear though (I have a little pooh bear toy who is our mascot). I hope they're both having fun in Turkey. I went back inside and had three of the girls sitting around me hugging me as I fought back tears. I won't see him for three months because after Turkey he's off to Italy and then he has College. :(. Yona kept hugging me after Charli and Kayleigh got bored.... bless her. :). Then we had a proper slumber party ... having long talks about girly things like pregnancy and periods and ... cancer... of all things. I read everyone's palms... to start with Peter was being a girl again. He was a good sport. We called him Patricia..... lol. But he didn't let us put make up on him... worst luck. When everyone else was asleep (Charli fell asleep first.. what a surpreeese) Yona and I stayed up listening to John Barrowman on my phone headphones.... and we talked about boys.
The next week passed quickly.... we stayed at Charli's cousin Kayleigh's Wednesday night... then went to town Thursday so Charli could meet up with a guy (who is a "friend") but he bailed so we went to see Harry Potter 6 instead. Then on Friday we went to see Charli's grandparents in Scarborough and stayed there until Sunday. Then Nain and Pops (my grandparents) picked me up and I stayed there for a night, then came home on Monday. So yeah. That's my holiday. And Yona should be coming up in a week and a bit.... so we can spend more time together.

I'm going to have to go now, my loyal (and stupid) readers.... as it is late and John Barrowman's album has finished.

Speak soon homies x Peace out!

Sunday 19 July 2009

All I Have To Say Is Goodbye

Those of you who get bored enough to read my silly blog will know I'm off to where I consider 'home' tomorrow... YAY! That is, if my folks let me with the 'swine flu' scare circulating the country..... sigh. Fingers crossed.
Nevertheless I'm going to spend today packing... repacking... and then packing all over again once I tip everything onto the floor and dismiss it all.... I've already done that twice already!
Can't wait !!!

Stay tuned for random video clips and photos of me and my crazy friends !

Adios Amigos! xoxoxox

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Did You Forget I Was Even Alive

So basically I've been preparing for my holiday'll trip to Lincoln to see my best friends! I leave on Monday and I'm so excited! The trip starts at my boyfriend's house. Yay! Although I'll be meeting his folks for the first time :S .... eek! I'm terrified they'll find me weird... everyone else does. I am weird. And I embrace it. But some people don't :S ... Does anyone have any advice on meeting parents? I hope she knows I'm a vegetarian.. otherwise it'll be a repeat of FRIENDS! ... :S ...
But yeah. It starts at Niall's house on Monday. (Niall is the picture above this bit of text ... xD)

Then on Tuesday I go to my friend Iona's house from the 21st until the 25th... Iona's awesome. She can be a bit depressed sometimes but when she's not she's really fun! I don't doubt I will show her this so I'd better not write anything mean about her... not that I ever would!
Can't wait to see her again... it's been AGES!!
I'll post pictures of our numerous planned photoshoots soon :)

That's Iona on the right >>>>
The picture was taken in Wilkinsons Car Park... we got bored. She looks dead sexy there though! In my hoody ¬.¬...

And then on the 25th I go to Charli's for a week. Charli's my oldest friend... and I'll probably show her this aswell so no bad stuff! Not that I would. On the night I start staying at hers they're having a party .. which should be fun. I can't get drunk though :S ... that would not give a good impression .. AT ALL. :L. I've never got drunk... I've got tipsy vurging on complete faintness.. but thats it. :L On the Wednesday I stay at hers we're having a co-hosted Murder Mystery party. That should be fun... I get to play Niall's character's Fiancee! :L Again.. no alcohol Millii...
Thats Charli on the left ... trying to be cool :L I love that picture!! :L

So thats basically it. I'm sooo looking forward to the next few weeks but I bet they'll go MEGA quickly :( worst luck. Sob. Ah well. We're planning on doing numerous photoshoots of randomness and random videos ... including our own take on several well known songs! Yona (Iona) and I are gonna do 'Shake It' by Metro Station.. that should be fun! :P Me and Charli are going to do some Elliot Minor Tributes :L
The builders came a week ago and started knocking our house down! Never fear... its only one end. Either they knock it down and rebuild it or it falls down and we die :S ....

Toodles xxxx

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Attack of the bedroom junk!!
We're having to clear out one end of our house for building work, & my room falls under the hitlist. I never realised how much crap I had hidden away!! My deadline of sorting is Sunday evening, but thats SO not gunna happen! Especially as I'm weighed under with band stuff too. Our vocalist dropped out so I'm stuck as the replacement.. I can only sing Fall Out Boy! Right not we're working on covering Thnks Fr Th Mmrs acoustically. And then I Don't Care. Keep your eyes peeled on Myspace and Bebo for us when we get together again. 'Cirque Emotionnel' is our name. I had a circus themed birthday party in April too :L :G
The people in my picture ^ The one in the red hoody is Thom. He's like my brother and he's SOO funny! The ginger haired girl is my best friend Charli, btw. She's the band bassist and back up vocalist. Our other friend Tessa does drums on non acoustic tracks.. allegedly. :L When we get round to doing non acoustic ! Emily is the one who's painted. She's 10 and so awesome! She likes writing and I will post a link to her blogs,... she's GREAT at it! Yona in the corner is cool too! She's my BEST FRIEND FOREVER! I love her to pieces FER SUREE!!
Check out my blog 'I've Lost More Songs To Floods' for song lyrics I've written and don't feel scared to comment. Your comments are always welcome.
Anyway, back to the junk... i have piles of notebooks from when I was about 7 through to no.. theres over a hundred at least! My walls look strange with no posters and my clothes are strewn across my bed :L
I should probably get back to it... but I can't be arsed. I'll go make toast instead. :L xx

Sunday 14 June 2009

I've Already Given Up On Myself Twice, Third Time Is The Charm, Third Time Is The Charm

(Post title from - Gay Is Not A Synonym For Sh*tty (G.I.N.A.S.F.S) By Fall Out Boy)

Heyy, I'm Millii. I got bored so I'm creating a new blog of random randomness of the random kind :)
Check out my other blogs too!!


SONG OF THE WEEK : End Of The Summer - Theory Of The Deadman (See Below Post)

Embrace Insanity - Dream (A Song By Me, Performed By Embrace Insanity. Lyrics Below On The Right)

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"Dream" Lyrics

I was lost, in this world of darkness, But you found me and turned on the light. Bright green eyes that shine like gems. Please don't let me outta sight. You give me an excuse to dream, Just don't let me dream my life away. As long as i spend it next to you, Things will always stay this way. Candy floss castles and flying gold keys, Chocolate logs and wishing trees. I made a wish, hope it comes true, Do you understand that i love you? You give me an excuse to dream, Just don't let me dream my life away. As long as i spend it next to you, Things will always stay this way. Gingerbread houses and candy cane poles, A big gold bell that rings at each toll. Silvery unicorn and syrupy lake, You will always be the cherry on my cake. You give me an excuse to dream, You make me smile, every hour, everyday. As long as i spend it next to you, I hope everything will stay this way. You give me an excuse to dream, (Oh, an excuse to dream) You put a smile on my face, every hour of everyday. As long as i spend it next to you, (Next to, next to you) I hope everything will stay this way.
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Australian Koala Foundation - Check It Out.

Australian Koala Foundation - Check It Out.

Go - Boys Like Girls